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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度四

磨左主車架, 同埋兩條鈴中間條分模線. 要唔磨到走樣淨係磨中間. 嘔電, 真車可能都有呢條線. 但係都砂走佢, 如果唔係件成品睇落好雞
Today I have done fixing the seam lines on the main body frame and sand
down the molding lines in the middle of the wheels, I guess in the real
bike would also have this line on the wheels, but I have had to remove
it anyway, since these lines would make the model appears like a
miniature when taking photos. It was such a tiresome procedure. I think
the hardest part is over.

Monday, December 29, 2008

新安州 Sinanju 入手

諗住死忍忍到佢跌, 做到$450以下既話應該係最理想低點, 咁不如襯有金幣送,
兼早買早享受...今日出MK一落車去窩打老道果間一向OK平既舖頭睇, 一件都冇, 我估係佢太平俾人買晒了吧, 轉過彎去生輝$560,
D人都係齋睇完放返低唔買, 賊船、全MK都係呢個價乜濟, TOYC $619, 最後俾我o係兆萬一樓死角位果間搵到, $438!!! .. 之後去左信和買Unicorn 小說第二冊, $47, 再去埋先達三樓賣散件果間野,
$10收左隻GM Quel既Nina人形, 呢間野Sinanju 賣450, 應該係今日唯一做到呢個價的了。個盒厚Unicorn一兩CM, 轉頭要大執個櫃出來供奉佢

PS. 個金牌都幾大下

Saturday, December 27, 2008

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度三

磨左一D parts, 個散熱氣要磨到平晒. 磨死人
Today, I putty any part that has seam lines on it, and sand down 'one
bag of' part. There are still 6 bags of part to do. It takes a lot of
work to put the radiator flat for the photo etch detail up parts.

Friday, December 26, 2008

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度二

剪晒件, 分好色. fairing釘位削平鑽洞mark位遲D貼蝕刻片, 後叉同chain adjusters都要切走俾蝕刻片
Today I've cut everything off the spures and assembled any part that
should be painted with the same color togather. I have cut away the
screws on the fairings to flatten the surface, also drilled holes to mark the
place where the screws were used to be, for applying photo-etch screws
later. Some modifications are done on the rear fork and chain adjusters
etc for the photo etch kits.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度一

Blog 友們聖誕快樂

砌左fairing, 車架,死氣喉同副計少少.. 分色入袋. 收工
Fairing and exhaust pipes are being assembled, awaiting gap filling and
sanding. part of the frame and engine being glued together. Separated
by color then bagged, stuffed everything back to its box, call it a day.
Nothing to see here yet, simply reporting in.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

續 19/12 獲

Kawasaki ZX-RR 1/12 detail-up蝕刻片, 郡油64, 架車要Lime Green(Dr.eye:萊姆綠), 64號又係變左名, 日文個音係Ru man green, 漢字寫黃綠色, 英文Yellow Green.. .應該加返少少白就會近Kawasaki Ninja隻綠

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

08xmas 獲

女人送既兩件禮物, 未開果盒係拍子機, 田宮1/12老電川崎忍者係佢自己撞入去偉利買的

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

15/12 神奇入手

呢個係上年十二月既order,今日先收到, 算係失而服得, 但係就有D好神奇既野
我係buysoundtrax.com買. Ennio Morriceon Navajo joe, Jerry Goldsmith Alien 2cd, early years vol1,
但係包野就只剩返Navajo Joe, early years呢兩隻係我order既, 另外兩隻CD,一隻係John Barry既Star Crash(封面有架疑似千歲鷹o係度,唔知係咩奇片
), 另一隻係Miracle At St Anna Terence Blanchard (1500copies promo not for sale)

Friday, December 12, 2008

11/12 入手 Gundam UC (1) 特裝版

一聽到人話街舖賣晒, 第二水唔會再連槍, 即刻死上網look look, 去到台灣角川見到話去晒D貨, 唔會再返, 仆去博客來見到"餘下1本"...即落order... 依家博客來轉左用DHL, 運費貴左一倍, 不過第二日就送到, 同埋本書本身有折, 單件order連運費都只係貴MK $20

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2/12 入手One Piece 海賊王 Styling 盒蛋

買part 4全套($145) + part 1 Zoro & Nico Robbin($30乘兩件有九折=$54) & Usoppo $63 + part 5 Shanks($32) = $294

另外o係sasa買左細支香水$298, 將支野包左入去海賊盒蛋個盒度, 再用熱縮膠包返佢(圖左上兩盒), 放o係檯頭,
女人見到就指住個盒係度鵝又買野玩, 成日買野俾自己, 買俾佢就唔捨得, 到依家佢話要買幾十蚊對襪過Xmas我明明買定左o係度,
把口都話唔會買。(隻味我唔多鐘意似糖味, 只係佢上次揀o岩唔捨得買, 我又認得支死人野), 呢兩個星期我就由得佢睇住檯頭盒蛋眼冤好了